Our general anaesthesia provision is overseen by Kate Loomes BVSc MSc CertAVP(EP) CertAVP(VA) CertAVP(EM) Dip ECVAA MRCVS, who is an RCVS Recognised and European Specialist in veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia.
With years of specialist anaesthesia experience, Kate has a great deal of skill and expertise and is involved in ensuring anaesthesia is done to its highest standard, according to the needs of the individual patient.
She presents and publishes regularly on a national and international level and trains residents in anaesthesia from all over Europe.
Combining the latest technology to monitor blood pressure, blood gas concentrations and CO2 emissions, ensuring oxygenation is facilitated by mechanical ventilation, with the skills and knowledge of an anaesthesia specialist maximises owner confidence that their horse is truly safe in our hands.